My art is a tribute to the breathtaking Devon coastline that graces my everyday life and the profound connection I have forged with its awe-inspiring natural beauty. I am driven to encapsulate the ceaseless dance of the sea and the skies, the intense emotionality of the untamed elements, and the ever-changing play of light upon canvas.
In my meandering journeys along this coastline, I become an observer, a recorder of particular moments in time that have seized my senses and moved my spirit. These sketches become my springboard when I return to the studio, embarking on a largely self-taught artistic journey that is as exploratory as it is intuitive. I layer and texture my canvases, allowing each stroke to guide the evolution of the painting. In the end, the artwork unveils itself as a unique story, a frozen moment in time and nature's own narrative.
My background as a professional photographer and my studies in holistic health deeply inform my artistic approach. I seek to merge the disciplines of visual art and holistic healing, drawing inspiration from the balance, harmony, and interconnectedness found in nature.
I also embrace alternative practices and techniques in photography to capture the inherent poetry residing within our native flora.
My ultimate aspiration is that my artwork conveys the profound emotions and healing powers that the natural world bestows upon us.
donna francesca